Use baking soda. Add 1/8
tbsp (600 mg) baking soda to an 8 oz. (0.237 liters) glass of water.
Baking soda has a high alkaline content. When the baking soda mixes with
the water, it increases the alkaline properties of the water. Shake (if
you are using a water bottle) or stir (if using a glass) the mixture
vigorously to make sure the baking soda mixes in thoroughly with the
- If you are on a low sodium diet, do not add baking soda to your water. Baking soda is high in sodium.
Use lemons. Lemons are
anionic, so when you drink lemon water, your body reacts with the
anionic properties of the lemon making the water alkaline as your body
digests it.
Fill one pitcher (64 oz.) with clean water. Filtered water is the
best way to go, but if you don’t have a filter, tap water is okay to
use.-Cut up one lemon into eighths. Add the lemons to the water but do not squeeze them--simply place them in the water.
-Cover the water and let it sit overnight for 8 to 12 hours at room temperature.
-You can add one tablespoon of pink Himalayan sea salt to your lemon water if desired. Adding the salt mineralizes your alkaline water.
Add pH drops. pH drops
contain potent alkaline minerals and are highly concentrated. You can
purchase pH drops at health food stores or online. Follow the directions
on your specific pH bottle to determine how many drops you should put
into your water.
- Keep in mind that while pH drops increase the alkalinity of your water, they do not filter out any of the things like chlorine or fluoride that can be found in your tap water.
Buy a water ionizer. Water ionizers attach to your faucet and are very user friendly. The water becomes electrically enhanced (ionized) because the ionizer runs it over positive and negative electrodes. Doing this separates the water into alkalized water and acidic water. The alkalized water makes up about 70% of the produced water and can be used for drinking.
- Purchase an ionizing water filter.
These filters are easily transportable and cheaper than buying an
electric ionizer. They work in a similar fashion to a normal filter.
Pour water into the filter and let it sit for three to five minutes.
While you are waiting, the water is being sent through a series of
filters. Once it passes through the filters, it sits in a pool of
alkalizing minerals.
- These filters can often be found with the kitchen appliances in home stores.
- These filters can be purchased at local home improvement or hardware stores and are located alongside traditional water filters.
hai guys!
RăspundețiȘtergereapakah kamu tau,80% tubuh kita terdiri dari air.Jadi air juga menentukan kesehatan kita,Perusahaan jepang telah mengemukakan mesin canggihnya yang dapat merubah air anda menjadi air kesehatan.KanGen Water adalah merk dagang yang mereka pakai untuk mesin ini.info lebih lanjut klik > kangen water.
thank you very much!
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